
This is the website of the Wrongly Convicted Group, a grass-roots group of advocates working to obtain justice for innocent people on death row or serving long prison sentences due to Wrongful Convictions.

Please see the Featured and Adopted Case List for the list of  past and present supported cases.

The Wrongly Convicted Group has no financial resources, and does not request or accept donations. The group’s primary activity is to identify wrongful convictions, in the hope that this assists those who have been wrongly convicted. Please see Recommended and Affiliated Sites for links to other organisations, some of which are non-profits which accept donations.

The activities of the group are mainly conducted using Facebook:

In addition there is:

Please do join the group, and participate in the activities, particularly the proposing and voting on proposals for cases to be adopted or featured.

Annual reviews: First, Second, Third,Fourth.

[ Note: I am no longer writing annual reviews, George ]